Posts Tagged ‘Tigre’

Weaponizing Disinformation to Destabilize Ethiopia

Thursday, September 30th, 2021

Social media-driven misinformation against vaccination, election, and other issues are causing considerable discord and fear in America; however, the impact of disinformation on Ethiopia could be very destabilizing and catastrophic. In a country with more schism because of the country’s constitution that is gerrymandering ethnic groups into enclaves, it is easy to drop a match to burn the whole country.

In 2018, a glimpse of hope for democracy and unity rose above the Ethiopian horizon, with the election of Dr. Abiy Ahmed, who quickly went to work to correct the wrongs of TPLF.  He immediately established peace with Eritrea, released thousands of political prisoners, and invited opposition parties in exile to join him in transforming the country. Unfortunately, this did not go well with Tigray Peoples Liberation Front or TPLF, so they fled to Tigray, the province they represented.  On the morning of November 3, 2020, TPLF forces attacked Ethiopian troops while asleep, killed thousands, and took more prisoners to overthrow the Abiy government. UN:TPLF’s pre-emptive strike started the war.

TPLF Ruled as an Ethnic Cabal

TPLF ruled Ethiopia with an iron fist for 27 years. They designed and implemented various tactics to destroy Ethiopia’s social fabric and national identity, including denigrating its former leaders and history. close to what Khmer Rouge did in Cambodia. Unlike the Khmer Rouge, TPLF operated as an ethnic cabal, controlling every aspect of the government, army, economy, and foreign policy establishments, even though TPLF accounted for only 6% of the population. Many government officials became billionaires and millionaires by embezzling while Ethiopians starved. TPLF family members and loyalists took advantage of government-funded scholarships at home and abroad, thus becoming the country’s wealthiest and the best educated. They called all the shots.  Nothing happened without their approval, whether opening a business, hiring, firing or even enforcing the law. In effect, they were the judge, jury, and executioners.

Foreign Media is Being Hoodwinked

Boko Haram victims were placed in Axum, and the photograph was shared with Amnesty International and BBC; unfortunately, both published this false report Click here to read more.

While any atrocities should be condemned and independently investigated, there are indications TPLF supporters are going beyond reporting such atrocities but fabricating. Pictures of Boko Haram victims in Nigeria are photo-shopped with a caption to make them appear victims in Tigray and sent to social media, to CNN, BBC, Amnesty International, and other organizations.

Michael Berhe aka Woldemariam, an imposter orthodox priest, falsely claimed he was in Axum to witness a massacre. He is lives in Boston, and he is a catholicMicheal Berhe Video.

A former TPLF soldier named Mona Liza told  BBC and Aljazeera that she was attacked by Eritrean soldiers but was wounded in combat with Ethiopian soldiers in the Raya zone, according to her father. TPLF supporters show a picture of a plane shot down in Ukraine as evidence of TPLF’s success in downing the Ethiopian plane BBC -on Fake News. Michael Berhe living in Boston, claims he witnessed a massacre in Axum and sends out a video that is picked up by BBC and Amnesty International. These and some real atrocities have generated a massive backlash against the Ethiopian government, which claims it is only engaged in law enforcement operations after a coup attempt, not attacking civilians. Worse supporters of the TPLF, such as Martin Plaut and Alex De Waal, and other friends are engaged in fabrications. For example, Martin Plaut tweeted on January 9, 2021, stating that 750 individuals and priests were taken out of the church and massacred to steal the Ark of the Covenant from the Axum Zion Church. The church denied all of his allegations. Alex De Waal claimed that the Ethiopian government is deliberately starving Tigray’s people, despite the government spending billions in meeting this need. One other ridiculous lie was a post claiming that the U.S. is going to Bomb Ethiopia: Click here to read.

Martin Plaut falsely alleged Ethiopia massacred 750 people to steal the Ark of the Covenant.

TPLF supporters mastered the art of fabricating stories through their domestic and foreign surrogates and supporters (Lawrence Freeman-Disinformation Campaign by TPLF). So far, the Ethiopian government is not responding to or countering these allegations, and the media is not doing an excellent job in investigating or checking TPLF sources or informants. Most of their sources are setups or TPLF soldiers who fled to Sudan as refugees. TPLF supporters are banging on the doors of Congress, the White House, and the UN to sanction Ethiopia, often based on unsubstantiated charges. Martin Plaut caught teaching according to the attached video TPLF supporters how to fool the western media by creating plausible or fabricated videos and documentaries about Ethiopia. He said most media outlets are hungry for news about Ethiopia, especially VOA and BBC Amharic services.  In the same idea, Dr.  Natalia Vasquez, an Eritrean government critique shares her finding where TPLF forced Eritrean refugees to dress like Eritrean troops and forced them to slash the breasts of innocent women. The purpose was to ascribe the blame to Eritrean troops. Please note the video is mostly in Amharic.

Weaponizing Disinformation to Punish Ethiopia

TPLF is weaponizing disinformation to shame and charge Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers with a massacre, with a crime against humanity, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and more without corroboration. Furthermore, they are appealing to the international community to impose economic sanctions on Ethiopia. This does not mean that combatants from either side or both sides don’t commit such crimes, but the fabrication makes it difficult for the truth to be told.

Unfortunately, TPLF may have mastered the art of disinformation. At first, they targeted Eritreans, now Ethiopia. Daily, TPLF is sharing with BBC and others unbelievable crime videos involving Ethiopian troops. Here is another storytelling how TPLF fabricates:  Refugees forced to dress up as Eritrean troops to make a false documentary

In one episode, you see Ethiopian soldiers digging a grave and throwing TPLF soldiers and shooting them inside the tomb, and one of the soldiers is heard saying, don’t waste no more than one bullet for each. Ethiopian soldiers are not monolotic, each unit and division is represented by various ethnic groups. So there is likely Tigrayan officers who not let such atrocities take place and for one 

In another location, Ethiopian soldiers are seen shooting civilians and throwing them over the cliff. Ethiopian soldiers record all these and share them with TPLF and to the media. Both videos start and stop as if they have been put together in a studio.

This criminal act is unbelievable that any soldier with the right mind, let alone a professional soldier, will commit such crimes against their own people and share them with the media. The conclusion is that TPLF is concocting and fabricating these videos to shame Ethiopia and to seek UN and US intervention, and put economic sanctions.

Massacre of Ethiopian Soldiers / Waging a Coup d’état

TPLF staged an unsuccessful coup, resulting in thousands of Ethiopian troops’ death and the looting of Ethiopia’s military equipment. Due to the war with Eritrea from 1988-2000, most Ethiopian forces and equipment were located in Tigray. Many Ethiopian soldiers were killed while asleep, and others were shot after they refused to join the coup d’état. Those who survived and fled narrated their predicament with tears, describing the horror as betrayal, humiliation, and being condemned to death at the hands of their comrades or fellow Ethiopians who happened to be from a different ethnic group. To isolate the soldiers and finish them off, TPLF disabled all communication networks, forcing surviving units to defend themselves during 8-12 days without food, water, or any supplies.

Impact of the conflict

Now the conflict has resulted in making an already precarious life more portentous. Close to two million people in Tigray were already reliant on international aid. Locusts wiped some of the crops, and most of the remaining harvest was disrupted because of the war. The six million people living in Tigray are in danger of starving because of the conflict. The blame for this tragedy should lie squarely on the TPLF that created the condition for both the war and oppressive and corruption-riddled governance for 27 years.

TPLF’s Seasoned PR Machine

The current Ethiopian government being new, does not yet have the sophistication to articulate or frame the issues and influence media reports. Consequently, it is being simmered by TPLF’s surrogates, vast networks, highly educated elites, and massive resources. In the past, the PR effort by TPLF has swayed many political luminaries, such as Tony Blair and Jimmy Carter, and academicians to support their oppressive and anti-democratic system without a wince. Now the PR machine is in full display, leveraging social media like Twitter, as exposed by the Washington Post on Twitter War by TPLF Supporter.

As Washington Post reported, TPLF planned the coup well in advance, as evidenced in the Twitter attack that started at the outset of the war and was continuing after that. TPLF knew a coup would be brutal to sell to the international community, so it set up a PR machine to sell it before starting the war. TPLF supporters monopolized the Twitter narrative immediately in the wee hours of the war to shape the agenda in their favor. That continues to this day.

 TPLF Motto was filled with Greed and Arrogance

The majority of Ethiopians detests TPLF’s rule because they thought of themselves as having a God-given right to rule and abuse. There was no mercy and shame in their heart. To achieve such power, they devised ethnic federalism, a divide, and rule system like Apartheid that kept all ethnic groups at bay and to feud against each other. TPLF is still trying to resurrect itself by weaponizing disinformation to absolve itself from its criminal history and extend its rule in northern Ethiopia. Remember, Dr. Abiy, like Abraham Lincoln in 1861, was forced to go to war due to a gruesome attack in the dead of night against Ethiopian forces in 100 locations by a 250,000 strong TPLF army.

Ethiopia is one of the longest surviving African nations, a key partner against terrorism, one of the most significant contributors to the U.N. peacekeeping mission, and the headquarters of the African Union. Western governments should refrain from accepting every TPLF’s disinformation campaign to punish and destabilize a long-standing ally, Ethiopia. Dr. Abiy Ahmed has shown his progressive and transformational vision by freeing political prisoners, opening markets, and promoting peace in the region.  U.S. intervention in many countries, including Iraq, was based on disinformation provided by the like of Curveball or al-Janabi (Read WMD Story).  The Democrats, through TPLF allies, are making a similar mistake in Ethiopia.  Ethiopia lasted for over 3000 years; a betrayal by the Democrats is not going to change that equation or stop Ethiopia from protecting its sovereignty from outside and inside forces. However, the U.S. position will suffer lasting damage in sub-Sahara Africa, and Democrats will pay a heavy price come to the next election in swing states like Georgia, where Ethiopians and Africans can be a factor.


Ethnic Federalism (Killil) is the Real Problem in Ethiopia

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

Ethiopia is the origin of humanity, center of great civilization, and one of the longest and independent surviving nations and it will continue despite machination by Egypt, other foreign and domestic enemies.

While the heinous murder of Hachalu Hundessa, Dr. Ambachew Mekonnen and others are tragic and sad, the perpetrator(s) of this criminal act should be brought to justice; however, the conflagration is due to Killil (segregation of people by ethnicity). TPLF, divide and rule system, Ethiopians are transformed into ethnic monsters instead of human beings.

Oromos without a doubt have historical grievances; Oromos like many other ethnic groups were discriminated and oppressed. Now the Oromos are in control of every echelon of government. So, what’s the problem? The problem is some Oromo leaders like Jawar want to be in charge, and they are using the Oromo youth to mastermind a violent change instead of using the ballot, where they are incapable of articulating any sensible solution to alleviate the economic and political problem facing the youth and people in general, except trying to make Ethiopia a slaughterhouse for Oromos and others. Often, they tantalize them to help them become another S. Sudan or Eritrea. Good luck in case it happens. Whatever the driving force, killing innocent people is a high crime in any religion and jurisprudence. The genesis of such behavior among Ethiopians was planted by TPLF in order to marginalize Oromos and others. Unfortunately, some Oromo, Amhara and other leaders conveniently want to forget this fact in order to grab power.

I also stated in the past that “Ethiopia cannot survive as a viable and peaceful nation under a Killil system. It will face more violence and disruption if the system is continued.”

One of the reasons for the current mayhem in Tigre, especially in major cities and towns is primarily due to Killil that made it possible for ethnic militia, and policing.

TPLF was able to build a strong army legally because of the ethnic federalism. Furthermore, the duty of a police officer is public safety irrespective of once religion or ethnicity. The police in in every ethnic enclaves think lives of other Ethiopians don’t matter. Ethiopians are being killed and burned alive for no apparent reason rather than being a different ethnic group. This is simply ethnic cleansing and the police, the police chief, and the mayor should be charged as such, as enablers and collaborators.

Despite being a product of Woyane indoctrination, the people should listen to the voices around the world that say, “Black Lives Matter”, and “All Lives Matter.”  Unfortunately, ethno-nationalist is preaching that other Ethiopian lives don’t matter. Vigilantes roaming around town are able to destroy property, kill and burn innocent people because they are given a free pass, often welcomed or aided and abetted by the local police force.

While we are deeply saddened by the untimely death of Hachalu, Dr. Mekonnen, General Tsige and others, the killers could be from any ethnic group or foreign enemy like Egypt that has been plotting to undertake similar action to thwart the building of the GERD. Unfortunately, any incident can spark an ethnic warfare. Any country or any group can spark such a conflict and destroy Ethiopia.  There is no reason to kill more innocent Oromos, Amhara or others. Thus, there has to be law and order in Ethiopia. If not, enemies of Ethiopia or ethnic agitators can start an ethnic war by simply killing any famous person. Ethiopians should not fall for such bait and get innocent people killed or burned alive by these angry mobs.

Dr. Abiy was warned about this ethnic inferno built by Woyanes and fanned by the likes of ethnonationalists from various sources that can implode anytime.

The ethnic system has to be dismantled and abandoned immediately. A merit system has to take its place. Nobody should be given a preferential treatment because of his or her ethnicity. It has been a major sore point during Meles, even during Haile Selassie.

Tigres, Amharas, Oromos or any group should be able to compete without any preferential treatment. Any preferential treatment for being born an Oromo, Tigre or Amhara should be eliminated. Such a system is anachronistic, unfair, and dangerous.

In the meantime, start training a police force that is professional and diverse, and representing all Ethiopians. Professionally trained Oromos, Amharas, Somalis, and other police officers should be able to work anywhere in Ethiopia. If they are lacking language, they should learn the local language and Amharic.

Dr. Abiy should bite the bullet and bring an end to chaos and Killil that displaced millions and resulted in the loss of so many innocent lives. Otherwise, it will continue to spread further like wildfire with devastating results.

Dr. Abiy inherited this evil and dangerous system; however, failing to take drastic action is an abdication of leadership and courage. Again, time is the essence for him to act decisively if he wants to save Ethiopia and his government.

Furthermore, it might be advisable to create a more economically integrated regional boundaries without any consideration to ethnicity or revert back to the old provincial system. The U.S. and other countries have states or provinces, and they seem to be working fine. Ethiopia should not be an exception to the rule for the wrong reason. In the long run, moving the capital city to a neutral location should be considered to provide better security, better planning, and the potential to reduce congestion.

Tribal based media and parties should be discouraged or banned, or there should be strict guidelines not to incite or promote tribalism, hate, and violence. Instead, they should focus on hard and factual news, besides promoting peace and economic advancement of all Ethiopians. The safest course would be to discourage even make it illegal to form a political party or media based on ethnicity because of their potential to incite further division and bloodshed like they did in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burma and other places.

I like the theme of “no more apartheid in Ethiopia” it means no more Killel or ethnic enclaves where minorities are suppressed and their human, civil and voting rights are denied. Without destroying Killel, you can’t save and create a peaceful and prosperous Ethiopia.

To kill ethnic divide, a good start could be a move back to provincial designation or to form economically integrated regions where go​verners are elected by the people based on issues where ethnic mongering or playing ethnic politics is prohibited or secondary to other important issues of commonality, Ethiopianism and peace. Furthermore, cities like Adam​a, Dire Dawa, Harrar and others, a mayor elected by the people run it or administer the city on behalf of the residents rather than tribal chief siting anywhere in the world.

Last but not least, federalize the militia immediately after the war. If Abiy can’t do these, he can’t be taken as a serious leader for Ethiopia. ​The indomitable, Hermela Aregawi is promoting Pan-Africanism with the #nomore movement and other venues, it will be unimaginable for Ethiopia to stay in a tribal and apartheid system and still promote Pan-Africanism. It will be a great contradiction and Abiy will be a laughingstock once people find out that he is running a tribal system or Killil , akin to Apartheid if not worse, while espousing pan-Africanism.

As a leader, Dr. Abiy is accountable to the current and future bloodshed despite the fact that he inherited the system from TPLF but failing to take drastic action will eventually erode his leadership and eventually his regime. In a previous blog entitled “Kill Killil” I said “time is the essence to act decisively and immediately to end the impending cloud of anarchy. Act today, as tomorrow may be too late to save lives and the whole country from imploding.” I hope he listens this time, as any time wasted can be catastrophic.