Legacy of Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia (1991-2012)

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Meles has received accolades from various sources, especially from western intellectuals and politicians.  On the other hand, many Ethiopian observers see nothing redeeming, but malaise, destruction of Ethiopian nationalism, high inflation, ethnic tension, disfranchised people, and a nation lagging the world in all development benchmark.

The accusations by Ethiopians are numerous. He left a country more destitute and desperate than ever, primarily due to his control of every aspect of the economy, nepotism, and denial of access to technology.

He carved a false image abroad, but remained highly detested at home. He created a unique power based on one party dictatorship or Tigrean monopoly of power primarily by pitting one ethnic group against another. His critics say that  Meles era was a lost and miserable two decades for Ethiopia in all aspects not forgetting absence of economic development, absence of national unity that Meles deliberately promoted.

He might appear brilliant for his supporters and some in the West, but he was perceived as an evil dictator and deeply resentful of the Ethiopian state. Meles used brute force at home and a massive PR machine abroad to crowd out the opposition and to hide his evil designs.

Internationally, far too many individuals have become unintentional victim and a party to the Ethiopian untold tragedy. Meles has on his side notables like, Susan Rice, Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Krugman, Donald Levine, Dick Army, Nancy Polesi (via Richard Gephardt), Senator James Inhofe and more.

He has hired who is who in America to parlay non-existing achievement. He has become a modern alchemist, who invents something out of nothing, higher GDP in land of abject poverty and starvation, democracy in land of oppression.

Meles sounded great on many fronts on prima facie; however, further scrutiny turns out that he has been a disaster for Ethiopia in many areas: economy, national unity, social cohesion, and hope for the new generation.

Unraveling his economic system shows it is built on wrong statistics and baked to show an illusion of progress, by showcasing big projects such as the construction of the Nile Dam, which is a gigantic misuse of resource that will unravel sooner or later.

Meles’  era will leave a huge cleavage of cicatrize of a scar that will never heal from the wedges he promoted, from making Ethiopia landlocked, denial of access to technology, and from driving the economy into the shades in his attempt to enrich his clan, with little empathy for the rest of Ethiopia.

Despite Meles’ rhetoric about transforming Ethiopia, Ethiopia was found to be one of the failed states following countries like Somalia, Chad, and others.

Meles besides putting or wasting Ethiopia’s meager resources in projects with no investment merits such as the Nile Dam, a Wind Turbine ($220 million Euro) in Tigre, the Tekeze hydroelectric dam ($360 million dollars) in Tigre, and planned Rails from Djibouti to Mekele, failed to articulate or deploy the most important economic tool, efficient allocation of scare resources, such as capital.  This also vindicates those of us who stated that he is leading Ethiopia not only to a failed estate, but close to an economic Armageddon (see Voodoo economics…) at http:www.ethiodemocat.com.

The Index published by Foreign Policy magazine and the Fund for Peace found that Ethiopia is critically in danger of becoming a failed estate based on demographic pressure, refugee flows, group grievances, human rights violations, uneven development, economic decline, and the continued deligitimization of Ethiopian nationalism. The most vulnerable states next to Ethiopia are Somalia, Chad, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Haiti.

None of these countries had such a flamboyant and arrogant leader like Meles, who brags about a fabricated GDP growth data to keep his wretched rule and continued economic decline of the wretched country.

Though Ethiopia is the birth place of humanity and one of the cradles of civilizations, but for the last four decades, it has been one of the most wretched places on earth with little hope of reversing worst case scenario given the current leadership of the country.

With the arrival of Meles,  secessionist and anti-Ethiopian force mushroomed supported by his ethnic federalism disrupting commerce and the natural flow of trade, destroying institutions and promoting ethnic and religious division once in a very cohesive nation.

To stifle further the country’s economic growth, Meles created ethnic blocks like in Apartheid South Africa, thus creating tensions and making commerce almost impossible among some Ethiopians, cutting existing trades’ relations, while Europe was forming the European Union and the U.S. was pushing the North American Free Trade Agreement. In Ethiopia traders or business people, primarily Gurages were massacred and their possession ransacked by ethnic groups aligned with Meles and by his own cronies. In some cases, TPLF cadres used  their access to import duty free thus driving the competition out of business or outright denial of licenses or charging exorbitant taxes to put mostly Gurages out of business. To his own credit, Meles clearly stated that the Amharas in politics and the Gurages in commerce as his primary enemies that he has to eliminate to take full control of the economy and the country.

To add insult to injury, he confiscated land and denied access to technology for the majority, except in Tigre where Mekele, Adwa University and Mekele Institute of Technology (MIT) are provided unfettered access and grants.

The advent of Internet and technology as a whole was heralded by some as a panacea to ending not only the economic divide between the have and the have-nots, but also between the developing countries and the developed world. Unfortunately, Ethiopia was left out by design by Meles because Meles was afraid that technology will be used to organize against him by the majority of Ethiopians that he knew detested his dictatorship.

Ethiopia land locked, void of access to technology, void of free market and good leadership was toiling on the brink of economic disaster that will lead to further starvation and famine beyond the current millions being fed by World Food Program.

Government ownership of major resources including land, Internet, denial of access to technology, and being landlocked remain as a major road block to rapid economic growth.

Ethiopia needs an industrial policy that will move it from an agrarian society to a technology driven society. The normal course was from Agriculture, to manufacturing, and industrialization, but with the right leadership, technology makes it possible to move to technological society by skipping all the other steps and create a higher standard of living.

Technology or reengineering has been the most important productivity tools for economic growth, however, like land it is controlled by the government.  In Ethiopia technology is primarily used for spying on Ethiopians and blocking websites.

Access to technology is correlated to a higher standard of living for current and future generation. Government ownership of major resources including land, denial of access to technology, being landlocked remains as a major road block to rapid economic growth.

Land ownership of the state is not for any altruistic reason, it is primarily to manipulate the political currents and to keep the majority of Ethiopians who rely on agriculture a hostage.

Despite creating these roadblocks, Meles has stated that the Ethiopian economy will grow 11-14.5 % in the next five years. No landlocked country or no country in Africa, especially a country estranged within by lack of free market, lack of access to technology, respect for property rights and human rights or forced into tribal polarization can enjoy such phenomenal economic growth.

According to data provided by Meles to the CIA and World Bank, Ethiopia’s GDP per capita was close to $100 in 1991 when Meles starting ruling the country. Now, it is reported to be $324,  better than a threefold increase which is much better than many countries in Asia.  For example, China’s growth is driven by manufacturing, technology and education, but in Ethiopia access o technology or manufacturing has not changed much for the last 20 years. Education has lost ground with the introduction of ethnic education, where the majority of ethnic groups are encouraged or forced to use their own ethnic language without requiring them to learn the official language or English; a recipe for disintegration of the country.

How did Meles got away with such statistical absurdity. My guess that he was adept in charming world leaders from Tony Blair to Jimmy Carter, and built a PR machine at home and abroad using the meager funds the country ill afford. Like other dictators he will fall from grace and his true achievement will be dissected and he will be castigated as one of the worst and strange dictators that ever ruled Ethiopia.

It will be easy to compare Meles with another evil genius, Leopold II of Belgium who committed murder and looting of the Congo from 1865-1909. Leopold II was the most brutal ruler of Congo; he controlled a country many times the size of Belgium as his personal domain through his private army, like Meles. Unlike Meles, he was eventually forced to end his evil rule after the conscience of the Western world could not bear it any more. Meles passed away still charming and fooling the Western world.

Despite Meles or TPLF rhetoric about transforming Ethiopia, the country remains one of the failed states, as demonstrated by its ranking of 174 among 180 countries in terms of human development index.

In the end – Meles may be called just a dictator par excellence with extraordinary charm, and wit, but with a terrible legacy for Ethiopia to deserve an accolade accorded to him by his western allies.

Dula Abdu writes on economics, technology and real estate and he can be reached at dula06@gmail.com. He was a former JPMorgan Chase banker and currently an Adjunct Professor of Economics at Texas Southern University. The article was an adaption of from an original piece entitled  “Evil Genius…”

Ethiopia: Was Meles Zenawi a Visionary Leader or a Charlatan?

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Whether deservingly or not, Meles Zenawi has gone into history lionized beyond any expectations.

Zenawi was given bigger than life farewell at the end, despite his tarnished legacy. The ruling party, TPLF, could not have scripted a better farewell than was seen in Ethiopia.

By force or by volition, Ethiopians throughout the country were engaged in praising, wailing, crying for Zenawi, exceeding scenes observed in North Korea or anywhere in the world.

The wailing and the crying was primarily due to the fact that most dictators become father figures for the majority of the people, especially for the youth, with the help of the state controlled media, where such leaders are lionized on a daily basis. So anxiety and fear set in because a vacuum is created by the death of a dictator in Ethiopia or North Korea. This is primarily true when the state controls the media; nobody knows the true state of affairs in the country.

For a country as poor as Ethiopia, the parade, the display and the ceremony was excessive. The attempt was to rebrand, redefine and humanize Zenawi by the ruling party to justify its continued control. Zenawi was praised for everything in the world, but not for his wrongs, such as for genocide he committed, for the war he waged to make Ethiopia landlocked, for creating ethnic gerrymandering or for excessive control of the economy by his ethnic party and his cronies.

Though no dictator is lionized after death to the extent Zenawi was, however, thanks to re-branding by a well organized party, TPLF, Zenawi’s profile looked better in death than in life. Those who might have expected the TPLF machine to self-destruct after the passing of Zenawi should have a second thought because the machine is highly organized, and exceedingly efficient in manipulating the Ethiopian state in any shape or form it wishes. In a manner similar to a cult, the regime has finessed how to manipulate the media and get the people organized to behave accordingly. A farewell of such depth, organization, fanfare is only possible under a dictatorial regime.

Zenawi was rebranded as a democrat, a great warrior, a great leader instead of being referred to as an ethnic or Marxist dictator, as the opposition has often called him. So the idea of worrying about ones legacy or doing the right thing goes out the window provided if one has a well organized party like Meles did. Overall, in life or death, Meles or his party succeeded in hoodwinking many people in Ethiopia and around the world by creating a different persona.

For the last three months, the system in Ethiopia was completely shut, no business license was issued, even no wedding ceremonies were held, though millions of dollars was spent for to materialize Zenawi’s after-life grandiose that burst out of a 21-gun salute. Most leaders in his shoe, such as Benito Mussolini, Nikita Khrushchev, or Joseph Stalin, did not get such honorable departure.

During his reign, Zenawi never met ordinary citizens in public; never travelled without massive security, and if he did, streets were closed, and he was completely isolated from public view. However, in death, he was lionized by ordinary people that he tried to shun for security reasons.

In Ethiopia most people cannot afford Aslekash or hired help to instigate crying or mourning for the dead. However, the rich, kings and dictators, can afford to hire such people, as it appears Zenawi benefitted from such practice where hundreds of people were employed to show case his popularity to foreigners and Ethiopians. Would this manufactured and manipulated ceremony dissipate as the public and the world knows the real legacy of Zenawi?

Zenawi’s Ethiopia is a landlocked and impoverished country. At last the world may get a chance to see its true state of affairs. World leaders who praised Meles without checking the facts will be put to shame.

Innocent students were massacred at Addis Abeba University for opposing the secession of Eritrea from Ethiopia; hundreds of people were killed in the aftermath of the 2005 election, and hundreds of thousands of people were imprisoned during the same period. During the last 21 years, hundreds of other innocent people were killed in other parts of the country due to ethnic policy of the regime, and the recent killing of Ethiopian Muslims for asking their freedom to worship without government interference has to be also mentioned.

Although Ethiopians throughout the Diaspora held a memorial service for the thousands of victims of Meles Zenawi, but they were given no media coverage, while Zenawi was memorialized in grand scale for weeks by his party and those who benefitted during his 21 years of rule. The grand finale for Meles was beyond expectation and more than deserved by a leader who used force to take power and to stay in power.

Zenawi ruled Ethiopia with an iron fist and bloody hand. According to Human Rights Watch, “Ethiopia’s citizens are unable to speak freely, organize political activities, and challenge their government’s policies – through peaceful protest, voting, or publishing their views – without fear of reprisal.” Despite these abhorrent statistics, and dire economic conditions for two (2) decades, resembling other dictatorial regimes such as North Korea or China, Meles Zenawi dared to claim that he received 99.6% of the vote in the last fake election.

Zenawi was a dictator par excellence in applying the Machiavellian system of divide and rule. Unlike other dictators, he carved out a positive image abroad by partnering with top PR firms, opportunistic and ill-informed Americans, despite being highly-detested at home and abroad by the majority of Ethiopians. Like other dictators, he controlled the army, the police, 100% of the land mass, industry, and denied Ethiopians access to technology, thus forcing the greater number of Ethiopians to eke out a meager living, often with the help of Western food aid.

So why is Zenawi memorialized? Comparable to North Korea, his supporters want to maintain the current system by giving one of the bloodiest dictators a facelift and by rebranding him as a great leader, and a democrat despite the facts to the contrary. By giving him a humane face, his supporters believe that they can justify staying in power for years to carry the torch of their great leader.

Zenawi’s critics were jailed, killed or chased out of the country. Ethiopia has more journalists exiled or in prison than any country on earth according to New York-based Human Rights Foundation. In addition, Ethiopia was found to be one of the failed states following countries like Somalia, Chad, and ranks 174 out of 180 countries in terms of human development index.

Given these facts, Zenawi should be remembered just as another dictator, except he was exceptionally good in hoodwinking the world to the contrary. In the meantime, he left Ethiopia totally unprepared and desperately behind the curve in access to technology, human and economic development.

In the end Zenawi was just a tyrant beyond comparison who employed voodoo economics to exaggerate his economic achievement, denied Ethiopians their basic freedom, rigged elections, and humiliated and desecrated their religion, history, identity and humanity.

All said and done, the West has to bear some responsibility for piling praise on a dictator without unveiling his dark secret, genocide in Gambella, cyber jamming, and the strangulation and evisceration of the Ethiopian media, intellectuals, as well as monopolizing the economy by his clans.

The truth will come out sooner or later that Zenawi has hoodwinked the West, eviscerated the Ethiopian economy and institutions. As all the facts are revealed, he will eventually be remembered as nothing but a charlatan

President Obama Stop Wining and Dining with African Dictators

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Obama’s presidency raised great excitement, hope and pride for the people of Africa. Unfortunately, his invitation of one of Africa’s worst dictator, Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia to Camp David on May 18, 2012 dashed any hopes for Obama’s redemption as a friend of Africa or pro human rights stand in the continent. As a Nobel Prize for Peace recipient, he was supposed to stand with the oppressed, not with a dictator like Meles.

Knowing that the root cause of Africa’s problem is lack of good governance and democratic rule, President continues the tradition of wining and dining with African dictators.

Most African dictators are zapping and retarding  political and economic development with their excessive abuse of power and misallocation of resources.

If nothing else, Obama was expected to  stand with the people of Africa unlike many past U.S. presidents who backed bloody dictators in the pretence of fighting  Communism or terrorism.  Although Africa has never been a hot bed of terrorism like the Middle East, but it was used as strategic base to fight terrorism in the Middle East and elsewhere.

In the past, variousU.S.leaders stood in collusion with dictators and racist forces like the one inSouth Africaallegedly in promotingU.S.interest.  In some occasions African dictators got ears ofWashingtonby hiring high powered lobbyists to alignU.S.policy with theirs. Such bidding is done by lobbyists such as DLA Piper using  well known political figures  such as Dick Armey, Richard Gephardt and others.

The 2000U.S.presidential election fiasco in Florida gave many dictators inAfricaa cover to steal an election.  This has encouraged many regimes to extend their terms by dubious means or completely defying election results, as was the case inEthiopia,ZimbabweandUganda. In some other African countries election is merely a charade to keep their western friends quiet; some don’t even bother to hold an election.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the world was more hopeful about the spread of democracy. That hope started taking roots under President Bush Sr. and under Bill Clinton, unfortunately, since then it took the turn for the worst, giving rise to dictators for life in Eritrea, Sudan, Chad,  Ethiopia, and other African countries. While some are more egregious than others, in general they have crushed future hope for democracy, as well economic development.

Economic results also have been a disaster for the continent where unelected and unaccountable dictators prevailed.  Many of these countries face starvation, rampant inflation, unemployment, and massive dislocation of human and material capital. Some will end up as failed states imploding with economic woes and public rebellion like inSomalia.

According to the recent published U.S. Dept of Human rights report, a number of African countries have been accused of politically motivated killings and disappearances, but for Obama and previously for the Bush Administration it was just business as usual as far as some of  these countries pretend to support U.S. interest in the region.

Such blind support of dictators in the long run will damageU.S.standing and the fight against terrorism. The invasion ofSomaliaby Meles Zenawi ofEthiopiawas another scheme for a notorious dictator to ingratiate himself with theU.S.and to divert attention from his  own precarious standing at home and poor human rights record. This unnecessary and unjustified invasion has encouraged the rise of  a more radical group.

Meles’  primary reason for the invasion was not to fight terrorism but to distract domestic and international pressure arising from its rigged election and massacre of  hundreds of peaceful protestors. Like Ahmed Chalabi ofIraq, Meles of Ethiopia through its PR machine inWashingtonconvinced theU.S.administration to back its invasion that ended up creating a more radical group, Al Shabab.

According to Jeffrey Gentleman of the New York Times, what goes on inEthiopiaseems starkly different from the carefully-constructed image thatEthiopia-a country thatAmericaincreasingly relies on to fight militant Islam in the Horn.  According to Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, paramilitary units continue to use random searches, beatings, mass arrests and lethal force against peaceful protesters. The current Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Africa, Chris Smith, and R- New Jersey referred the current ruler ofEthiopiaas “vicious dictator”. Genocide watch and other human rights organizations have accused Meles for crimes against humanity for atrocities committed  against the  Annuak’s in Gambela and the people of Ogaden.

As long as the U.S.continues to forsake democracy in Africaand elsewhere for the sake of dubious American foreign policy guided by self-serving dictators, like Meles of Ethiopia, it is bound to fail.

The new Obama administration needs to divorce itself from the past and embrace the people of Africa regardless of the powerful lobbyist representing African dictators in the walls of congress or sharing the Lincoln bedroom if President Obama wants to change America’s image and the plight of the people of Africa. Ethiopia, the headquarters of the African Union and seat of many African and international organizations could be a place to flex his muscle for human rights and project new American leadership to bring change to decades of economic malaise and  oppression of the people of Africa by African dictators.  To this end, he needs to stop winning and dinning with the worst African dictator, Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia at Camp David or anywhere.

Abdu, originally from Africa, is a Houston-based writer on foreign policy.


The Final Blow to Ethiopiawinet.

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The Final Blow to Ethiopiawinet!

The expulsion of the Amharic speaking people from the South is a final blow to Ethiopiawinet. The masterminds of Ethiopia’s demise have eventually succeeded in putting a death knell to what left of Ethiopia, complete segregation by tribe. By  the way, according to the dictionary, a death knell  is the ringing of a bell to announce a death. Literally speaking, the Woyanes are killing Ethiopia economically and as a nation.

All Ethiopians should have the freedom to live anywhere in Ethiopia. There are certain inalienable rights any government has to grant to its people, such as “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, sense of security, jobs, property rights, and to live and work anywhere in your country. As many of us know, none of these rights exist in Ethiopia. The recent Woyane action on Amharic speaking people clearly demonstrates that. Thus, this is tantamount to ringing of a bell to announce a death of Ethiopia as a nation, the ultimate final plan of  the Woyane regime.

Woyane have been planting the seeds of hate among all Ethiopians for a long time. They have succeeded to make most Woyanes to hate all Ethiopians, they have tried to pit Oromos against Amharas, now they are pitting the South against Amharas with the help of their lackeys, as usual.

At this point, the Woyanes have completed the circle or the strangulation of Ethiopia. This is the final blow in their attempt to undermine the very existence of Ethiopia as a nation. The Amharas are being used as their bogey man, but their aim is to destroy Ethiopia as a nation.

Now, they have completed the circle of  pitting all Ethiopians against each other. There is no stone unturned in their attempt to destroy Ethiopia and to make Ethiopia none existent in the eyes of many Ethiopians. Now, the Amharas have to live in their tribal area and vice versa. Ethiopia is now a tribal state with little or no commonality just tribes  existing to serve the interest of ruling TPLF and their agents.

Nothing left for Ethiopians in Ethiopia to call themselves Ethiopians. By driving the Amharic speaking Ethiopians from the south by calling them Amharas or Amharic speaking people, they have successfully destroyed whatever left of Ethiopia or the unity of Ethiopians. Of course, their aim is clearly to drive a wedge among all Ethiopians so that nobody is left to fight the Woyane oppression or to redirect the blame on each other instead of focusing  the Woyanes who are the real culprit and who are destroying Ethiopia as a nation.

The Woyanes may be targeting one ethnic group, but they are targeting or setting up Ethiopia for genocide. For a while the Southern states resisted or were spared of Woyane driven  ethnic politics to the extent the Woyanes tried to impose on Amharas and Oromos.

Until the Woyanes  masterminded the split of  the Gurages into two  independent groups by absorbing the Siltes as their supporters or surrogates with the help of Hodam Siltes, the South stayed relatively calm and tried to avoid the idea of hyper gerrymandering to pit one group against another. Of course, the full power rested on Woyanes, but most of the leaders stayed in the opposition camps save Siltes, recently the Wolaytas.

CUD’s spectacular failure has become a catalyst for the rise of Woyane influence in the South. With the miserable failure of CUD, and the price most of the smaller tribes paid for their support of CUD, and the quixotic and unprofessional behavior of some of the leaders exacerbated and accelerated the South acceptance of Woyane dominance and rule. .

Most leaders of the region turned  pragmatic and decided to  coexist or acquiesce to the inevitable  subservient relationship to Woyanes.

The recent action by the leader of  Benji Maji goes beyond coexistence with Woyanes, but  completes the circle of capitulation to Woyane agenda, which is the destruction of Ethiopia, and Ethiopiawinet.

For a long time, the Woyanes worked hard to pit Oromos against Amharas, now, they are putting a final blow to the very remaining part of Ethiopia that refused so far to drop Amharic as its national language and to be ethnicized as anti-Ethiopia and anti-Amhara.

The question is what to do next to stop the Woyanes  from creating not just eviction, but genocide throughout Ethiopia. We need to join national organization at the same time, resist the temptation of joining ethnic organizations, but keep fighting  as a nation under siege and under the gun.

So far the opposition reaction has been to join chat room to discuss and to denounce Woyanes. This is not enough.  Ethiopians need to resist eviction, and refuse to flee as refugees.

The Diaspora has to lead in this effort with resources and intellectual power. This is a declaration of war on our people. There has to be  a commensurate response to this not just talk in the chat room.

We  need to find friends who can align with us in times of need  like George Clooney does for the Southern Sudan, we need to find Western politicians who can denounce Woyanes, we need  to find African leaders who can  stand for something and who can stand with Ethiopia. For God’s sake, Ethiopia stood for African liberation and unity, now we have a force destroying Ethiopia, where are our friends and allies.

We need to find a way to get our messages out.   Many countries, Woyanes and individual organizations  have a PAC (political action Committee), Ethiopians needs to have one to get their messages out. Such an organization can articulate our concerns to the rest of the world, not just to Ethiopians.

We need to support organizations that stand for a democratic, non-ethnic and pluralistic Ethiopia. If there is none, create one.  Time has passed to wait for another Woyane time bomb to destroy Ethiopia.

Ethiopian churches, mosques and other civic organizations need to take the lead and stand for something. Hope they  rise to this clarion call before it is too late.

Dula Abdu writes from his blog https://ethiodemocrat.org



Evil Genius, Dictator Meles of Ethiopia

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 Meles uses brute force at home and a  massive PR machine abroad to crowd out the opposition and to hide his evil empire. Until their fall many evil geniuses like Ivan the Terrible, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and Leopold II of Belgium exhibited similar behavior.

 Internationally, far too many individuals have become unintentional victim and a party to the Ethiopian untold tragedy. Meles has on his side notables like, Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Krugman, Donald Levine, Dick Army, Nancy Polesi (via Richard Gephardt), Senator James Inhofe and more.

 He has hired who is who in America to parlay  non-existing achievement. He has become  a  modern alchemist, who invents something out of nothing, higher GDP in land of abject poverty and starvation, democracy in land of oppression .

 Meles sounds great on many fronts on prima facie; however, further scrutiny it turns out that he has been a disaster for Ethiopia in many areas: economy, national integrity, national unity, social cohesion, and hope for the new generation.

Unraveling his economic system shows it is built on wrong statistics and baked to control the country by creating an illusion of progress, false nationalism, especially by antagonizing Egypt and Eritrea and by engaging in the construction of the Nile Dam, which is a gigantic misuse of resource that will unravel sooner or later.

Meles’s 20 year rule will leave a huge cleavage of cicatrize of a scar that will never heal from the wedges he promoted, from making Ethiopia landlocked, and from driving the economy into the shades in his attempt to enrich his clan, with little empathy for the rest of Ethiopia.

Despite Meles’ rhetoric about transforming Ethiopia, Ethiopia was found to be one of the failed states following countries like Somalia, Chad, and others.

Meles besides putting or wasting Ethiopia’s meager resources in Tigre in projects that have no investment merits such as Wind Turbine ($220 million Euro), the failed

Tekeze hydroelectric dam ($360 million dollars),  and planned Rails from Djibouti to Mekele,  has nothing to show for his last 20 years of wretched rule. This also vindicates those of us who always stated that he is leading Ethiopia not only to a failed estate, but close to an economic Armageddon (see Voodoo economics..) at http:www.ethiodemocat.com.

The Index published by Foreign Policy magazine and the Fund for Peace found that Ethiopia is critically in danger of becoming a failed estate based on demographic pressure, refugee flows, group grievances, human rights violations, uneven development, economic decline, and the continued deligitimization of Ethiopian nationalism. The most vulnerable states next to Ethiopia are Somalia, Chad, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Haiti.

None of these countries have such a flamboyant and arrogant leader like Meles, who brags about a fabricated GDP growth data to keep his wretched rule and continued economic decline of the wretched country.

Though Ethiopia is the birth place of humanity and one of the cradles of civilizations, but for the  last four decades, it has been one of the most wretched place on earth with little hope of reversing that scenario given the current leadership of the country.

There is no place on earth who has taken greater abuse by nature and  abuse by dictators like the Ethiopian people. Despite facing major resource constraints as demonstrated by constant famine and drought, in 1991 the country was declared land locked by Meles with the secession of Eritrea, making the country worse off and dependent again on one of its former possessions, now independent state of Djibouti.

There is no one on earth who has taken greater abuse from nature and abuse from dictators like the  Ethiopia people.

With the arrival of Meles,  secessionist and anti-Ethiopian force overwhelmed the national government and took over power, thus misdirecting resources, destroying institutions and promoting ethnic and religious division once a very cohesive nation.

To stifle further the country’s economic growth, Meles decided to create ethnic blocks likes in Apartheid South Africa, thus creating tensions and making commerce almost impossible,  cutting existing trades relations, while Europe was forming the European Union and the U.S. was pushing the North American Free Trade Agreement. In Ethiopia small traders, primarily  Gurages  were massacred and their possession ransacked by ethnic groups aligned with Meles.

To add insult to injury, he confiscated land and denied access to technology for the majority, except in Tigre where Mekele University and Mekele Institute of Technology (MIT) are provided unfettered access and grants.

The advent of Internet and technology as a whole was heralded by some as a panacea to ending not only the economic divide between the have and the have-nots, but also between the developing countries and the developed world. Unfortunately, Ethiopia was left out by design by Meles because Meles was afraid  that technology will be used to organize against him by the majority of Ethiopians as it happened in North Africa and elsewhere.

Ethiopia void of access to technology, void of free market and good leadership is toiling on the brink of economic disaster that will lead to further starvation and famine beyond the current 13 or more million people being fed by World Food Program.

Ethiopia needs an industrial policy that will move it from an agrarian society to a technology driven society. The normal course was from Agriculture, to manufacturing, and industrialization, but with the right leadership, technology makes it possible to move to technological society by skipping all the other steps and create a higher standard of living.

Technology or reengineering has been the most important productivity tools for economic growth, however,  like land it is controlled by the government.  In Ethiopia technology is primarily used for spying on Ethiopians and blocking websites. Access to technology is correlated to a higher standard of living for current and future generation. Government ownership of land, denial of access to technology, being landlocked remain as a major road block to rapid economic growth. Land ownership of the state is not for any altruistic reason, it is primarily to manipulate the political currents and to keep the majority of Ethiopians who rely on agriculture a hostage.

Despite creating these roadblocks, Meles has stated that the Ethiopian economy will grow 11-14.5 % in the next five years. No landlocked country or no country in Africa, especially a country estranged within by lack of free market, lack of access to technology, respect for property rights and human rights or forced into tribal polarization can enjoy such phenomenal economic growth.

According to data provided by Meles to the CIA and World Bank, Ethiopia’s GDP per capita was close $100 in 1991 when Meles starting ruling the country. Now, it is reported to be $900, a nine fold increase which is much better than what China enjoyed in those periods.

China’s growth is driven by manufacturing and education, but in Ethiopia manufacturing has not changed much for the last 20 years. Education has lost ground with the introduction of ethnic education, where the majority of ethnic groups are encouraged or forced to use their own ethnic language without requiring them to learn the official language; a recipe for disintegration of the country.

How does Meles gets away with such statistical abnormality and cruelty. My guess is like other evil geniuses from Pol Pot, Ivan the Terrible, or Idi Amin; it takes time to unravel such evil doers. However, I would like to compare Meles with another evil genius, Leopold II of Belgium who committed murder and looting of the Congo from 1865-1909. Leopold II was the most brutal ruler of Congo, he controlled a country many times the size of Belgium as

his personal domain through his private army, like Meles. Luckily, he was eventually forced to end his evil rule after the conscience of the Western world could not bear it any more.

Dula Abdu writes on economics, finance, and real estate. Currently, runs his own real estate investment company from Texas.

Voodoo Economics Unraveled by the World Bank

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The World Bank unravels Meles’ voodoo economics by declaring it ” unsustainable”. In departing and frank remark, Ken Ohashi, World Bank’s director for Ethiopia, said Ethiopia’s five-year plan is a fantasy ” short of discovering huge oil reserves.” on June 8, 2011 to Bloomberg News.

He asserted that besides unrealistic saving and growth assumptions, the government  domination or monopolization of key industries such as telecommunications, banking,  power generation, are the major road blocks to Ethiopia’s economic growth and viability.

As stated in my February, 2011 article entitled “Guerilla Economics” Meles, the Ethiopian dictator, has been  providing western media including Bloomberg with bogus economic data.  For example,  Bloomberg compared Ethiopia with the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) as possessing one of the fastest growing economies. 

Slick marketing aside, given the current institutional constraints, such as  government ownership of the major means of production and restricted access to technology to Ethiopia’s 83 million people,  it will be highly improbable if not impossible for the Ethiopian economy to enjoy the same growth like the BRIC nations. For example, in China citizens are denied much of their freedom, but their government has been able to provide them with steadily rising standard of living and good education. To the contrary in Ethiopia, lack of  basic freedom is compounded by steadily deteriorating standard of living and poor education, causing a significant proportion of the population to suffer starvation. Insecurity created by the regime, such as lack of property rights, lack of access to technology, and the vagaries of nature are creating a vicious cycle that is starting to spin faster and faster.

 According to Helpage International, an NGO based in UK, ” Food price has trebled in the last three years.”  http://www.helpage.org/search/blogs/?bid=283&keywords=ethiopia. According to the same agency, approximately 1,070 older people surveyed in Addis Abeba  last year,  845 or 79%, said they ate only once or twice a day. Price hike means less food.  Furthermore, The New York Times, May 12, 2011 article confirms  that under Meles  “More than 13 million people in Ethiopia are kept alive by sacks of grain and cans of cooking oil from the United Nations World Food Program.” The paper stated again that the situation is unsustainable and the number of starving people will grow; the number of bags of food needed to keep them alive will grow too.

Of course, there are  other reasons why the Ethiopian economy cannot enjoy similar or faster growth than the BRICs,  besides blocking access to technology, Ethiopian Diaspora remains unwilling to invest its tremendous intellectual and financial capital in Ethiopia because of the government’s ethnic policy, lack of  property right protection and runaway inflation.   Furthermore,  the injunction of ethnocentrism inhibits the free flow  of capital to its efficient destination with in Ethiopia and causes the misallocation of resources.

Despite these problems, Meles claims that the Ethiopian economy will grow  10-14.5% per annum in the next five years, much higher than the BRIC nation,   without even considering lack of the primacy of  the rule of law, property rights, free market economy or Ethiopia’s lack of  free access to the sea for flow of goods and services.

BRIC nations can brag for growing their economies  with demonstrable benefits to their citizens such as job growth and  capital formation,  instead of imposing  price control and throwing business owners to jail as is the case in Ethiopia.  This is what some call truly dictatorial economics, where the ruler controls everything; land, Internet, cell phone, etc. , but assigns blame when the economy starts to stumble.

Meles claims that the Ethiopian economy will double in 5 years, that would require the economy to grow at or above 14.5% a year with zero inflation. However,  if one were to include the current inflation level, the economy has to grow by 49.2% per annum, an economic feat never achieved before.  According to Bloomberg, inflation accelerated to 34.7% in May from 29.5%  the month before.  It was 64.5% last year.

For the last 20 years,  Meles promised  free and fair election to appease international donors and to bring hope to the suffering people of Ethiopia, but when people voted to oust him, especially in the 2005 election, he used bullets to silence them.  So his economic projection of doubling the economy in the next five years may be another way  to prolong his rule with a false promise.  For the last 20 years, the Ethiopian economy grew on average  3.6%, significantly lower than other developing countries.

 Currently, Ethiopians are going through a severe economic situation, worse than any time in history,  Meles is blaming the business community instead of his own wrongheaded policy, this includes the balkanization of Ethiopia, government domination of key industries,  lack of transparency, and rule by an ethnic minority that also raises the risk premium against any investment in Ethiopia.

Meles’ attempt to control inflation using price control misses the point. The price control strategy as witnessed in the U.S. in the 70′s under president Nixon does not work.  Now the regime is engaged in the blame game with its faltering economy. The government is lashing out on defenseless businesses by taking their property and throwing them in to the dungeon. Hardly a solution to a seriously flawed economic policy pursued for the last 20 years  with state control of the vital organs of the economy and printing money, which is the primary cause of inflation in the absence of real economic growth and productivity.

Retired opposition leader and former World Bank director, Bulcha Demeksa described recent government price control measures as “classical dictatorial” response to a failed economic policy.

Meles has refused to do the obvious despite the advice of the international community and sometimes of his own advisors, free the economy from the shackles of state control and establish  property rights and the rule of law. In many economies, the government sector is one of the smallest and the least contributor to economic growth. The Marxist regime believes otherwise. At the same time, recent price jumps have worsened the hunger situation in urban areas as well as in the rural areas. The rapid rise in population has outstripped Ethiopia’s ability to meet demands for major staples such as teff,  wheat, corn, berbere and others.

While the economy continue to get worse, the Ethiopian people are encouraged  to buying into the divide and conquer scheme planted by the regime in terms of tribe, religion, business against consumer, even though these are less relevant than solving their own and future generation economic survival.

To divert attention from the current economic crisis that the country is facing, Meles found two foreign adversaries, Egypt and Eritrea. The scheme to build the Millennium dam and declaring war on Eritrea were concocted to stem the revolutionary wind blowing from the Middle East against dictators and to beguile some gullible nationalists rather than to bring relief to the suffering people of Ethiopia

The current regime, besides denying the Ethiopian people their basic human rights, has  also denied them the opportunity to create a viable economic system for current and  future generations to come. The current scheme by the regime amounts to an undeclared war  on the very survival of the Ethiopian people and the Ethiopian nation or to put it mildly,  an economic genocide.

In the past, Meles talked a good game, offered much-ballyhooed proposals, but this time he went over the top by putting forward a  voodoo economics proposal, with an extra fantasy, and a mean-spirited hoax on the people of Ethiopia.

Dula Abdu, a real estate and investment consultant and a former banker. He can be reached at dula06@gmail.com or https://ethiodemocrat.org

World Without Dictators – A New Paradigm Shift

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Slaughtered by Dictator Zenawi soldiers while witnessing a massacre during 2005 peaceful protest in Ethiopia.

A new paradigm shift is taking place that may result in the demise of dictators.  The world without dictator will be fantastic  and now it’s possible. The Egyptian people besides giving one of the seven wonders of the world, the Pyramids, have also shown the  oppressed masses of  Africa and Asia how to conquer fear and earn their freedom in a non-violent way using  discipline and organization.

The new world order through the UN should declare dictators an abomination and  work towards their  eradication like Polio or any other  plagues because of their enormous power to kill and destroy.

The confluence of events led by social media, Aljazeera, CNN, a more sympathetic and enlightened administration in Washington, and  the peoples believe in their  inalienable right to be free  are the driving force to end authoritarian regimes.

 Events in North Africa, are shaking dictators around the world from their  foundation.  People in Africa and Asia are learning how to conquer fear and replace it with joy and happiness with the believe that freedom is not too  far away. Dictatorship does not only saps people’s rights and freedom, but it also significantly reduces their creative spirit and economic well being.  Most of the starvation, and civil strife happen in countries more often controlled by dictators. Oppressive regimes and systems are also a seeding ground for terrorism.

Unfortunately, the worst dictator  in the world  hail from Africa: Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, and Zimbabwe to name a few.  One can deduce the primary reason for Africa’s poverty and under development could be attributed to the prevalence of these dictators who rule with the barrel of the gun instead of with reason, rule of law, and  sound economic policy to grow their economy and to eradicate poverty.

Recent developments are encouraging. The world’s attention to the plight of the Libyan people against Kaddafi could not have happened a year ago and in the past.  Historically, many countries looked the other way when dictators in Africa or anywhere mowed down their own people.  For example hundreds of peaceful protestors were mowed down in Ethiopia in  the aftermath of the 2005 election. Except a few congressmen such as Chris Smith of New Jersey (R), nobody bothered to protest such  massacres  in public. The State Department and the White House gave nonchalant response and business   as usual  continued. President Bush despite high and mighty rhetoric never took his vision  seriously to challenge dictators who are in line with American foreign policy agenda.

President Obama’s administration has been a force for good in recent events. Restraining the Egyptian army, imposing sanction on Kaddafi are the right steps in the right direction.  This new paradigm shift will be most helpful  to the people of Africa. The world without dictators will save lives, eradicate famine, decrease the need for  international aid to poor countries. President Obama has the chance to achieve this milestone if he dares.

Other innocent victims of the November 2005 Massacre

Unlike  dictators  in S.Korea, Singapore, even in China, the African dictators did not grow their economy, besides acting as a parasite and siphoning resources to their bank account in Switzerland like Hosni Mubarak  did by stashing an estimated $70 billion.   

Slowly but  surely that the world is notifying dictators around the world that they cannot shed innocent blood  and get away with it.  The presence of the media, the people’s ability to organize in mass using the social media has changed the equation in favor of peaceful protestors, as well as  overcame the bias and outright disinformation of events by  government controlled press. The confluence of events has shown  the people’s power to bring down dictators. This  paradigm shift  by itself requires a great worldwide celebration like the  defeat of the Hitler, Mussolini  and other evils of the past.  President Obama, and the EU should seize the moment and give unequivocal warning to all dictators to leave town so that democracy and respect for human dignity will blossom.

Dula Abdu, originally from Africa, writes on foreign policy. He can be contacted at dula06@gmail.com

Victory is at our Finger tips

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Victory is at our finger tips. The question is who is going to drive it? All the stars are aligned to free Ethiopia and we should not let this pass us by without taking advantage of it.

In one of my articles entitled “Dictators are like Giant Elephants with a feet of clay”, I reiterated the belief that dictators despite appearing impregnable lack a foundation and justification for their existence, thus they collapse easily with a little push.

The primary objective now has to be to generate that push by coordinating the forces in the Diaspora and at home.  During a brief personal visit to Houston, Aba Biya Aba Jobir, told me in August, 1991 that the Woyanes will be gone in six months. That was almost 20 years ago. Thus I will not discount in the ability of Meles to finesse a strategy to stay another 20 years unless we unite and outsmart him this time.

In order to dismantle the Meles regime we need to connect with the Ethiopian people at home. Despite recent setbacks, the Ethiopian people are known for their bravery and for preserving their freedom and independence for thousands of years from the Europeans, Turks, Arabs and others. Repelling the Italians in 1896, driving them out in 1941, repelling the Ottoman, Arabs and other invaders is a testimony to the bravery and tenacity of the Ethiopian people. This has earned the Ethiopian people a place in history among Africans and many others.

Meles knowing that has devised a scheme to divide and conquer them. He was able to pick on Oromos, Amharas, Gurages, Somalis and other one at time and silence them. Now, all alienated groups, Somalis, Oromos, and the Southern people have realized that division served Meles well rather than anybody.
It has become clear to many that a democratic Ethiopia has a room for every Ethiopian regardless of tribe, religion or where they come from. So the Ethiopian spirit of unity and fighting the common enemy is back and the time for the Woyane is over.

To dismantle the Woyanes, we need to connect with students, labor unions, businesses, and others in Ethiopia to make the revolution a united force like the one in Egypt to shatter the Woyane design of divide and conquer. The idea of breaking up Ethiopia by tribe as concocted by TPLF and EPLF was plan to control and to subjugate all Ethiopians into a second class status. Simply, such idea only serves enemies of the Ethiopian people. In the past, the Woyanes were able to pick on one group at a time, but this time we are united and nobody can defeat a united Ethiopia, as witnessed by past enemies of Ethiopia. Woyanes picked on labor unions, Taxi drivers, bankers, Gurages, Amharas, Oromos one by one to silence and to put them out of actions. Think the possibility of all Ethiopians coming out in mass or refusing to obey Woyanes like the Egyptians did. If the Ethiopian people can generate a unity like the Egyptians and the people of Tunisia, no one in the world let alone Woyanes can defeat the Ethiopian people.

Given this recognition, all Ethiopians from Gambella to Ogaden should be united. Once united, nobody can defeat them and victory is at their finger tips. Mubarak in the past used to kill hundreds of the Muslim brothers and used to get away with such murders, like Meles got away in 2005. But when the Egyptians united regardless of their religion, race and ideology, they became unstoppable for Mubarak and for the army. In Ethiopia, the majority of the military people are coming to the recognition that they are not willing to kill to preserve a regime hated by the majority of the people. The majority of the foot soldiers hail from the rest of Ethiopia, except the top leaders. Fortunately, according to the recent database, now we know where the top brasses live, work and all their tentacles and if they were to massacre our people, there are forces to wipe them out as well. So it is unlikely, that they will engage in a massacre.

After Meles, there is a need to establish a reconciliation and truth committee like the one in South Africa, to forgive and forget for the sake of ending the saga of retribution that Meles started. A transitional government representing all sectors of the Ethiopian people need to be constructed immediately to lead to a free and fair election and to lay a democratic foundation for Ethiopia. However, we need to put the Horse before the cart. First, let us work on igniting the revolution while iron is hot for liberation. Meles is scared, but he is capable of creating another means to abort this revolution using his proxies in the West or at home. A call by the U.S. Embassy to bring the opposition and the Woyanes together is another plot to abort the revolution and to protect U.S. interest. Strategies to sustain the revolution: Revolutionary forces in the Diaspora and in Ethiopia need to coordinate a time table to oust Meles before the worldwide revolution for democratic change cool off.

The major tasks and scenarios should be clearly worked out. The Woyanes are merciless and shrewd and they might have already put a plan of action in place how to thwart everything. This time, Ethiopians cannot think conventional, meaning they have to outsmart the Meles and his agazie army until victory.
In order to avoid the abortion of the movement, all the participants especially in Ethiopia need to have a concept of “shared awareness” like a military outfit, that allows each participant to know what the immediate situation is as well as know his/her responsibilities during the course of the struggle and until final victory with all the back up plans in place.

In Ethiopia, we will not have the luxury of the social media to stay connected, to respond to the unexpected. An authoritarian government like Meles fears technology instead of taking it as a blessing and will do everything in its power to cut all sorts of communication from Internet, cell phone, and land lines too, while relying on its military mobile unit for its communication. So the movement has to be disciplined, coordinated, as well as creative to overcome this irrational regime.

Other scenarios include for example how to bring parties in Ethiopia or in the Diaspora together?
How to create the infrastructure to keep the revolution alive. How do we get the media, especially the International media to become an integral part of the revolution and a witness to report it and to put a restraint on Woyanes from using excessive force to kill the movement. Simply, we need to have a time table, as well as a plan of actions in taking into account all the scenarios and to start the revolution.

The revolution has to be nationwide. Gojam, the Southern people, Gonder, Wollega, Harar, Addis Abeba, students and labor unions have to revolt to overwhelm the Woyanes. If not, they may kill and leave another mayhem like they did in the past. So the coordination at home and abroad is important. The day of awakening or the day of revolution has to be announced to all concerned and fear has to be conquered, Woyane has to be defeated and Ethiopia has to be free. A new generation has to lead Ethiopia, because the old establishment has failed miserably.

The young people in Egypt and Tunisia brainstormed on the use of technology, how to evade surveillance, to organize barricades, how to handle rubber bullets, overcome gases, wear masks and other tactics in order to drive their revolution. They handled everything as a military outfit and they believed in their god given right to be free from unjustified and unwarranted oppression for the rest of their lives. The Muslim brothers, the Coptic Christians, doctors, the nerds, the soccer players, professors, lawyers and all of them combined their energy and operated like a brain surgeon using the nonviolent resistance. Of course, they were willing to die, but they knew that with such meticulous plan, organization and discipline it was just a matter of time for the people to be victorious against Mubarak, the military or any of Mubarak’s thugs. The Ethiopian people need to break from the past, which was designed to divide them and to control them.

Breaking free from past artificial divisions created by the ruler of Ethiopia is critical. The people of Ethiopia need to unite to stop the bleeding, the suffering and the backwardness that was bestowed on them by past ruler and oppressors. The Ethiopian people never took things into their own hands, consequently they continued to suffer. Division has served past rulers well because they were able to shape Ethiopia to fit their interest not the interest of the Ethiopian people. This division often manufactured by the ruling cliques shaped our mind set and kept Ethiopia divided and impoverished forever.

Freedom for Ethiopia is at our finger tips, so let us unite and drive the revolution to victory without fear and restore Ethiopia’s coveted status as a free and proud country.

A must Watch From Egypt

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The article and the video show what went underground to make the Egyptian revolution. As Newton’s First Law states that an object will remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force. Also any change in motion can cause accelertion.

In Ethiopia we have to end this interia of Woyane rule for the last 20 years. Woyane has divided the country, destroying its economy, its identity and overall welfare.

The Egyptian revolution did not happen by accident. It was those who sought the need and sat down and put a plan together. Simply, it was not spontaneous. It took months to carefully plan and put into operation. Sothe video and the text provide valuable lessons.

CAIRO — The Egyptian opposition’s takeover of the area around the parliament this week began with a trick.
First, they called for a march on the state television building a few blocks north of their encampment in Tahrir Square. Then, while the army deployed to that sensitive communications hub, they moved into the lightly defended area around the parliament to the south.

The feint gave a taste of how a dozen young activists managed to outwit Egypt’s feared security forces to launch a historic uprising now in its 17th day—and hint at how the organizers hope to keep pressure on a regime that has dug in its heels.

On Jan. 25, the first day of protests, the organizers had a trick up their sleeves in the impoverished slum of Bulaq al-Dakrour, on Cairo’s western edge.

There amid the maze of muddy, narrow alleyways, a seemingly spontaneous protest caught security forces on their heels and swelled in size before those forces could react to crush it.

That protest was anything but spontaneous. How the organizers pulled it off, when so many past efforts had failed, has had people scratching their heads ever since.

After his release from detention on Sunday, Google Inc. executive Wael Ghonim recounted his meeting with Egyptian’s newly appointed interior minister. “No one understood how you did it,” Mr. Ghonim said the minister told him. He said his interrogators concluded there had to have been outside forces involved.

The plotters, who now form the leadership core of the Revolutionary Youth Movement, which has stepped to the fore as representatives of protestors in Tahrir Square, have shared their secret in recent days for the first time.

Their accounts reveal a core of savvy plotters who have managed to stay a step ahead of the security forces with decoy marches and smart politicking that has sustained popular support for their protests.

In early January, when they decided they would try to replicate the accomplishments of the protesters in Tunisia who ousted President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, their immediate concern was how to outfox the Ministry of Interior, whose legions of riot police had managed to contain and quash protests for years. The police were expert at preventing demonstrations from growing or moving through the streets, and at keeping ordinary Egyptians away.

“We had to find a way to prevent security from making their cordon and stopping us,” said Basem Kamel, a 41-year-old architect who is a member of Mohamed ElBaradei’s youth wing and was one of the dozen or so plotters.

They met daily for two weeks in the cramped living room of the mother of Ziad al-Alimi, a leading organizer for the opposition group formed by Mr. ElBaradei and one of the chief plotters.

Mr. Alimi’s mother, a former activist herself who served six months in prison for her role leading protests during the bread riots in 1977, lives in the middle-class neighborhood of Agouza on the west bank of the Nile.

The group of plotters included representatives from six youth movements connected to opposition political parties, groups advocating labor rights and the Muslim Brotherhood.

They chose 20 protest sites, usually connected to mosques, in densely populated working-class neighborhoods around Cairo, hoping that a large number of scattered protests would strain security forces, draw larger numbers, and increase the likelihood that some would be able to break out and link up in the city’s central Tahrir Square.

The group publicly called for protests at those sites for Jan. 25, a national holiday celebrating the country’s widely reviled police force. They announced the sites of the demonstrations on the Internet and called for protests to begin at each one after prayers at about 2 p.m. But that wasn’t all.

“The twenty-first site, no one knew about,” Mr. Kamel said.

To be sure, they weren’t the only ones calling for protests that day. Other influential activist groups rallied their resources to the cause. The Facebook page for Khaled Said, the young man beaten to death for no apparent reason by police in Alexandria, had emerged months earlier as an online gathering place for activists in Egypt.

There was an Arabic page and an English page, and each had its own administrators. Mr. Ghonim, the Google executive, has now been identified as one of the administrators, but the pages’ other administrators remain anonymous.

An administrator for the English language page, known only by his online moniker El-Shaheed, or The Martyr, recounted the administrators’ role in the protests in an interview with The Wall Street Journal via Gmail Chat.

El-Shaheed said he was chatting online with the site’s Arabic-language administrator on Jan. 14, just as news broke of Tunisian President Ben Ali’s flight from the country. Mr. Kamel and his cohorts, who had already begun plotting their protest, now had another powerful recruiting force.

“I was talking with Arabic admin and we were watching Tunisia and the moment we heard Ben Ali ran away, he said, we have to do something,” said El-Shaheed.

The Arabic administrator posted on the Arabic page an open question to readers: “What do you think we should give as a gift to the brutal Egyptian police on their day?”

“The answer came from everyone: Tunisia Tunisia :),” wrote El-Shaheed.

For the final three days before the protest, Mr. Kamel and his fellow plotters slept away from home, fearing police would come to arrest them in the middle of the night and disrupt their plan. They stopped using their own cell phones and in favor of those owned by family members or friends that were less likely to be monitored.

They sent small teams to do reconnaissance on the secret 21st site in Bulaq al-Dakrour. That site was the Hayiss Sweet Shop, whose storefront and tiled sidewalk plaza meant to accommodate outdoor tables in warmer months would make an easy-to-find rallying point in an otherwise tangled neighborhood no different from countless others around the city.

The plotters knew that the demonstrations’ success would depend on the participation of ordinary Egyptians in working-class districts such as Bulaq al-Dakrour, where the Internet and Facebook aren’t as widely used. They distributed flyers around the city in the days leading up to the demonstration, concentrating efforts on Bulaq al-Dakrour.

“It gave people the idea that a revolution would start on January 25,” Mr. Kamel said.

The organizers sent small teams of plotters to walk the protest route repeatedly in the days leading up to the protest, at a slow pace and at a fast pace, to get their timing down for sychronizing when the separate protests would link up.

On Jan. 25, security forces predictably deployed by the thousands at the sites of each announced demonstration. Meanwhile, four field commanders chosen from the organizers’ committee began ordering their men to the secret gathering point at the sweet shop.

The organizers divided themselves into cells of 10—with only one person per cell aware of the secret destination.

In these small groups, the protesters advanced toward the Hayiss Sweet Shop, massing into a crowd of 300 demonstrators free from police control. The lack of security prompted neighborhood residents to stream by the hundreds out of the neighborhood’s cramped alleyways, swelling the crowd into the thousands, according to employees at the Hayiss Sweet Shop who watched the scene unfold.

At 1:15 p.m., they began marching toward downtown Cairo. By the time police realized what was under way and redeployed a small contingent to block their path, the protesters’ numbers had grown so quickly that they easily overpowered the police.

The other marches organized at mosques around the city failed to reach Tahrir Square, their efforts foiled by riot-police cordons. The Bulaq al-Dakrour marchers, the only group to reach their objective, occupied Tahrir Square for several hours until after midnight, when police attacked demonstrators with tear gas and rubber bullets.

It was the first time Egyptians had seen such a demonstration in their streets, and it provided an explosive tipping point credited with emboldening tens of thousands of people to come out to protest the following Friday.

That day, they seized Tahrir Square again, and they haven’t given it up since.


More info at :http://www.ethiomedia.com/above/2120.html

Lessons learned from Egypt

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Lessons learned from Egypt is that people have power. Dictator Mubarak is about to bow down to the will of the people. If so, can the Egyptian style resistance movement work in Ethiopia. Of course, we have by in large an army primarily repesenting and serving an ethnic group and an ethnic dictator. A dictator is a dictator, so they have no standing if the people organize and rise to the challenge. People have fought decades to liberate themselfes from oppression. In Egypt if all the people participate and keep the momentum, as it appears it will, dictator Mubarak has to go or will be forced by the will of the people dragged or kicking like other dictators.

Like the Egyptians are a trailblazer for the Arab world, Ethiopians can be a trail blazer for the sub-Sahara Africa. What would it take to get there. I will put a proposal together to spark a revolution in Ethiopia and to keep it going. Here is another Egyptian resistent video that is should be a great inspiration for all of us.